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(1 edit)

This game is GREAT for developing new characters. A new OC I was working on feels much more fleshed out now, and I hit a lot of poignant moments. All in all, I spent a solid 5 hours (on-and-off) writing detailed entries for each round, and played 12 rounds total.

However, I did run into some mechanical issues, mostly with the "add all previous rounds to your total".

With age, I dropped that completely. My character aged according to straight 2d6. When I added the round#, I aged too quickly in the beginning, and then in my 40s, I hit the 12 year age limit per round every single round. I tried rolling over the extra years (ex: roll a 7 + 8 rounds = 15 - 12 = age 3 years), but then I was aging too slowly. Just using the straight number provided a more balanced experience.

With the "emotion/who", I encountered the same problem of frequently getting a total number over 12. In this case, rolling over the extras was a great solution, although the current chart has no option if you roll over to a 1. (I just rerolled then.)

1d6+round# worked perfect for the form/change/forget mechanic.

Thank you so much! I encountered the same- so I will likely do a little update soon to help with that! I am glad you enjoyed the process.